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Connect to a Resource Behind a k8s Cluster From Local Machine

  • 2021-07-16 07:26
  • #k8s

Sometimes, especially in production environment, resources such as databases are only accessable from a k8s cluster for security purposes and cannot be accessed directly from your local machine. In this case, if you want to access the resource from your local machine, you need to create a tunnel service in the cluster.

Suppose the resource's PORT is accessible as ENDPOINT from the cluster, you can create a such tunnel service named SERVICE_NAME by this command:

kubectl run ${SERVICE_NAME} --generator=run-pod/v1 --image=alpine/socat \
  -it --tty --rm --expose=true --port=${PORT} \
  tcp-listen:${PORT},fork,reuseaddr \

and then forward local port to the service (execute in another terminal):

kubectl port-forward service/${SERVICE_NAME} ${PORT}:${PORT}

Now you can access the resource by accessing the local PORT.

Scenario: Amazon Aurora Behind Amazon EKS

Let's consider a realistic scenario: you have a k8s cluster running on Amazon EKS and a MySQL instance my-mysql running on Amazon Aurora. The database's security group rejects all requests except from the k8s cluster.

In this case the PORT is 3306 (MySQL's default port number), and you can obtain ENDPOINT using aws-cli as follows:


ENDPOINT=$(aws rds describe-db-clusters \
  --db-cluster-identifier=my-mysql \
  --query="DBClusters[0].Endpoint" \


When you create a tunnel service and start port-forwarding as described above, you can open a MySQL console to the Amazon Aurora by this command:

mysql -h -u $MYSQL_USER -p